reebok - we destroyed, smashed and humiliated every enemy!

Brezilya liginde 100. yılını kutlayan ve namağlup şampiyon olan S.C. Internacional futbol kulübünü kutlamak için, sponsorları Reebok harikulade 3 ilan hazırlamış... işte ilanlar ve metinleri... detaylı görmek için üstlerine tıklamanızı öneririm...

We destroyed, smashed and humiliated every enemy.
Only love is capable of doing such beautiful things.
Congratulations to S. C. Internacional, Bi State Champion undefeated.

America is too small for the 32 of us.
The war for Libertadores bi championship is about to begin.
Good luck, Sport Club Internacional.

It's time to celebrate. We've just been called to a cruel and unhuman war.
Congratulations for the classification to Libertadores, S. C. Internacional.
Reebok is going to enter the filed with the team.

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